Find investors
and partners
in China
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China’s economy is the second largest in the world, and the country is currently experiencing rapid changes in demographics and spending power. Exciting new sectors and opportunities are opening up on the Chinese market, but ‘scaling the wall of opportunity’ comes with its own unique set of challenges. Finding the right business partners is key in navigating cultural attitudes, government touch points and stakeholders.
With live digital events, 8 exploratory trips and two roadshows in China, Envestors is committed to helping you find the right partners to help you break into the Chinese market. We know that familiarity with local markets, resources and relationships are key as you navigate Chinese markets.
Our live events and roadshows have introduced companies to strategic market development and investor partners, enabled them to understand the key challenges and requirements of doing business successfully in China and assist in fully capitalising on this complex but essentially enormous opportunity.
We'll help you scale the
wall of opportunity
Envestors can work with you to pinpoint what you should be looking for in a Chinese partner and help you navigate how Chinese government policy affects your industry. We will post your opportunity on our dedicated platform, review your business plan and pitch deck to ensure investment readiness, and provide inclusion in notable industry events and competitions in China, including the International Technology Transfer Network event and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Showcase.